Homeowners who perform Renovation, Repair, or Painting activities on their own properties are not required to follow lead-safe work practices. However, any work that is performed for compensation must be performed according to the EPA RRP Rule. This includes any work done by a contractor or by friends in exchange for compensation of any sort, including payment, labor on other projects, or anything else.
It is the contractor’s responsibility to perform work using lead-safe work practices. Contractors are also required to provide proof of certification and worker training while they are on the job site. When hiring a contractors, ask if the company is a Certified Firm or if individual contractors and sub-contractors are Certified Renovators.
Before beginning work, it is best to follow some simple practices to ensure that the job is done safely. Make sure that you know when your house was built, and let your contractor know. If you know that there is lead-based paint in your home, disclose this information to your contractor. If there is any doubt, ask for a lead inspection by a Lead Professional.
The EPA recommends that all homeowners who perform work on their own property educate themselves about the health safety issues surrounding lead-based paints. Homeowners can educate themselves using the following resources…
- by visiting the EPA website
- by calling the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD (5323), or
- by reading the Renovate Right: Important Lead Hazard Information for Families, Child Care Facilities, and Schools Pamphlet